Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Why's...

We are having a lazy Sunday, so I figured I could use this time to answer the most common questions that Jason and I have gotten since we started announcing our plan to adopt.

Why can't you get pregnant? Short answer, we can. Long answer, we have been married 10 years and a baby hasn't happened yet. After a few doctor visits for both of us, we, and our doctor, are confident we could get pregnant with medical help. Doing so just didn't feel like the right path for us right now. I can't say we will never try and fight the fertility battle, but for now our hearts just weren't in it.

Why adopt? Since Jason and I met, we have always talked about someday adopting children. We think it will be a privilege to be able to open up our hearts and home to a baby that is in need of loving parents.

Why adopt internationally? We realize there is a huge need here in America for adoptive families, but for our first adoption, the decision to go international was an easy one. Although international adoption is full of ups and downs, red tape, and uncertanties, we felt that having a course of action laid out with a light at the end of the tunnel was the way to go. Honestly, alot of what we read about domestic adoptions kind of scared us. For example, they say you can expect 1 or 2 adoptions to fall through before you actually get your baby. And even though international adoption is a hard process, we felt we had a little more contol over the process then putting our picture in a book and waiting for a birth mother to choose us. I can't say we will never adopt domestically, but for our first experience, international was for us.

Why Vietnam? This question is hard to answer, how do I explain "It just feels right."? Once we decided to adopt, I was glued to the internet reading about every adoption program known to man. As soon as I started reading about Vietnam, I just KNEW in my heart it was the program for us. So when asked why we are adopting from Vietnam, I usually answer "Because that is where our daughter is." :)

1 comment:

Amie said...

Oh My Gosh Michelle, that is truly a beautiful site you have set up. You and Jason are an amazing pair and little Jasey will be so lucky and loved. And the music you added, thanks for the morning cry before I headed out. I love you, and keep me posted!