Saturday, October 27, 2007

I'm in love with a Monster!

No, not Jason;) I found Jasey's first "teddy bear" at the Tacoma Mall last week while visiting with my Mom and sisters. Those who know me well know that I usually do things slightly unconventionally, so why should my daughters stuffed animals be any different? The line is called Eanie Meanies and the monsters are named Mye, Ni and Moe. The store only had Moe, but I found them at so I could get the other two. All the plush toys on there are so cute, I think I will definitely become a regular customer there!

Please tell me Jasey will turn out okay with these monsters as her first "teddies"!

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Mrs.B said...

Even monsters need love!!! I think they are adorable!

Kate said...

Oh Stop! Now I have to go get my purse! Too cute!!!

Lori, Gilbert & Ethan said...

I think they are very cute! She's going to love them!

auntie val said...

omg they are way tooo cute, I'm with my sister I'm going to get my purse, love you guys