Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Jake has been home for a week, and we are loving every minute of it! He is 11 months old now, it has taken us this long to get all of his paperwork done so he could avoid quarantine once he got to Hawaii. It was stressful, but worth it, and it all worked out in the end. Hmmm, sounds a lot like something else that is going on in our lives... No news on the adoption front, so I guess you will be seeing lots of pics of me torturing Jake with costumes like the one above for now!


Kate C. said...

Congrats on finally getting your puppy home! Such a handsome boy! And the green really brings out his eyes :)

Lori, Gilbert & Ethan said...

Is he hunting Easter eggs, too?

Anna said...

That is such a cute pic. Glad you finally got him home. Your baby is going to love him! Yay- #42!!! I am happy for you to finally have a number!

The Pence family said...

So Cute!!!

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