My Mom took this picture a few days ago, right outside my front door. I have been thinking about that tiny gecko trying to catch that huge moth ever since... I think because I can relate to him in more than one way-
First off, the task in front of him is pretty much impossible. He is so hungry for something he just can't get. I hate to be negative, but this adoption has been feeling that way to me lately. I feel totally helpless, our paperwork is there in Vietnam, but we are lost in translation for who knows how long. I am trying to stay upbeat, but sometimes it is just too hard.
In a more positive way, the gecko is obviously a big dreamer. I dream of Jasey all the time, and it warms my heart. I know once this is all said and done it will all be worth it, my dream will have come true, our baby girl will be home, and the wait and turmoil will be forgotten.
Can't blame the little guy for trying!
What a sweet post. Hang in there, your dream will come true! I believe!
Thanks for the comments Michelle. It's always good to hear from the OO gang. You are right; the day you get her all else will be forgotten. I find myself missing Hanoi and looking forward to going back.
My oldest daughter (27) just left for Navy boot camp. What can I expect? I know she'll do fine, but it just goes to show, you never stop being Mom. Sandy
I love your gecko analogy. I definitely know that feeling! My husband rediscovered the song "Dream Big" by Ryan Shupe the other day and I have been running that through my head to remind me that our adoption will happen. Just remember that time flies and Jasey will be in your arms before you know it!
I can COMPLETELY relate. We're on the same timeline and is seems most days like we are on a road to nowhere.
It's good to have OO family to keep us filled with hope.
Hang in the Michelle, it will happen. I love the pictures. You mom has a good eye!
The wait will be workth it.....but that doesnt make it any easier. Hang in there!
Hey Michelle- You've been tagged!
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